Wednesday 6 April 2011

Filming for final draft

When we got our feedback we decided that we were going to need to film again. We decided to go back down to Attenborough Church and do some more filming and see what we can use. Unfortunately Louise was at work so she could not come a long but Emma did come this time. We decided to redo all of the footage as Louise was not there which meant that if we wanted to insert the shots then we would have to put all of the new shots in otherwise there would be three people on one lot of shots and then two people on the others. It was unfortunate that Louise was not able to come because some of the shots that we got were really good and we managed to put them where they were close ups but the long shots did not look right without Louise. This was because we decided we didn't want to change the shots where the three of us are walking through the gate as we thought that they were as good as we wanted them to be. The shot of me and Lizzie walking through the gate just the two of us was not as good as the original ones which meant that we could not use some of the other shots that we recorded with just the two of us. We were able to use close up shots but this was unfortunately not as much as we had hoped to be able to use. We are now very closely approaching the deadline and are going to have to go to film tomorrow night for the last time. This means that we have got to get the footage which is needed because our clip at the moment is only 45 seconds and we need at least another minutes worth of footage. When we were editing we managed to find some music to put over our clip which we are happy with and we also believe that it goes well with our paranormal theme of thriller. When we were editing we also did manage to elongate some of the clips which were still such as the gravestone and the titles which have our names on. We did this to try and elongate the time but it didn't really change much unlike we had hoped. Another thing that we did was we put the clips at the beginning of the church into a slow motion so that this clip would also last longer but once again didn't drastically change the amount of time that our clip runs for. We need to think of something that we can put into the clip quickly which could even include dialogue or we are not going to get the highest marks possible from our clip.

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